Kategorie:Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises

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Die Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE; Laufzeit: 1998-2017), ist eine jährliche Vergleichsstudie über wissensbasierte Organisationen, die von Teleos und dem 'The KNOW Network' durchgeführt wird. Die Studie basiert auf Nominierungen und einer Delphi Umfrage unter Experten. Auf dieser Grundlage wird eine Auszeichnung für die besten Organisationen vergeben - der Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Award.

Die Studien

Die erste globale Studie wird seit 1998 durchgeführt, die erste regionale Studie seit 1999 (Europa) und die erste nationale Studie seit 2000 (Japan).

"...the annual MAKE study is an established benchmark for knowledge-based organizations. This research seeks to identify organizations that are creating, sharing and using knowledge to become leaders in the new ebusiness economy." (2001 Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises Report Summary)
"...the Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) research program ... to identify and recognize those Parent Organizations (including all companies/divisions/business units/agencies, etc.), Groups or Holding Organizations which are creating shareholder/stakeholder wealth by transforming new as well as existing enterprise knowledge into superior products/services/solutions. (2015 Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Report: Executive Summary)

Neben der eigentlichen globalen Studie gibt es seit 2010 eine weitere globale Studie - die "Global Independent Operating Unit (IOU) Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) study". Diese identifiziert und würdigt im Allgemeinen Organisationsbereiche oder -einheiten, welche sich als Führer in der Wissensökonomie des 21 Jhd. hervorheben.

"It identifies and recognizes individual companies, divisions, business units, agencies and departments, which form part of a larger enterprise, for creating shareholder/stakeholder wealth by transforming new as well as existing enterprise knowledge into superior products/services/solutions." (Global IOU MAKE Report Summery 2015)

2012 entschied man sich die nordamerikanische Studie auf den ganzen amerikanischen Kontinet auszuweiten.


(aufsteigend, nach Datum)

  • 1998 - 2017: Global (Parent) MAKE
    • Quasi-Nachfolger: Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award (seit 2018)
  • 1999 - 2017: European MAKE
  • 2000 - 2008: Japan MAKE
  • 2002 - 2011: North American MAKE
    • ab 2012: Americas MAKE
  • 2002 - 2017: Asian MAKE
  • 2005 - 2017: Indian MAKE
  • 2005 - 2017: Indonesia MAKE (keine auf TKN homepage)
  • 2008 - 2017: Hong Kong & Mainland China MAKE (China, seit 2011)
    • Quasi-Nachfolger: Hong Kong Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award (seit 2018)
    • Quasi-Nachfolger: China Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award (seit 2018)
  • 2009 - 2014: Brazil MAKE (keine auf TKN homepage)
  • 2010 - 2017: Global IOU MAKE
  • 2011 - 2017: Iran MAKE
  • 2012 - 2017: Americas MAKE study
  • 2013-2014: Russian MAKE
    • Vorgänger: KM Russia Award 2012; Nachfolger: Knowledge Ready Organization Award (2015-16)

Modell & Rahmen

  • MAKE KM Implementation Model (stages)
    • Stage 1: Pre-Implementation Stage (up to 1 year) 2: Implementation Stage (1-3 years) 3: Reinvigoration Stage (4-6 years) 4: Inculcation Stage (7-9 years) 5: Holistic (10+ years)
  • MAKE Framework
    • 2015 Ability to (1) create and sustain an enterprise knowledge-driven culture, (2) develop knowledge workers through senior management leadership, (3) develop and deliver knowledge-based products / services / solutions (innovation capability), (4) manage and maximize the value of enterprise intellectual capital, (5) create and sustain an enterprise-wide collaborative knowledge-sharing environment, (6) create and sustain a learning organization, (7) manage customer/stakeholder knowledge to create value and enterprise intellectual capital, (8) transform enterprise knowledge into shareholder/stakeholder value (or societal value for non-profits and public sector).
    • 12/2000: 1. Success in establishing an enterprise knowledge culture. 2. Top management support for managing knowledge. 3. Ability to develop and deliver knowledge-based goods/services. 4. Success in maximizing the value of the enterprise’s intellectual capital. 5. Effectiveness in creating an environment of knowledge sharing. 6. Success in establishing a culture of continuous learning. 7. Effectiveness of managing customer knowledge to increase loyalty and value. 8. Ability to manage knowledge to generate shareholder value.

Der Ablauf

(Quellen: Report Summary 2015 & 2001, knowledgebusiness.com)

Im Rahmen der Studie, werden große Unternehmen bzw. Geschäftseinheiten oder -bereiche von großen Unternehmen nominiert, von denen Finalisten und Gewinner ausgeählt werden.


  • "members of the expert panel nominate organizations (panel of Global Fortune Global 500 senior executives and leading knowledge management/intellectual capital/innovation/organizational learning experts (2015); -"- and chief knowledge officers and leading knowledge management practitioners (2001))"
  • Nominierung über die Webseite von The KNOW Network
    "Nominate up to three organizations that you consider as leading knowledge enterprises. Rate on a scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent) each organization's performance against the eight knowledge performance criteria (MAKE framework) listed below".


  • "each member of the expert panel selects a maximum of three knowledgedriven organizations from the list of nominations. Those organizations selected by at least 5% of the expert panel members are recognized as Global MAKE Finalists"


  • "Global MAKE Finalists are ranked against each of the eight knowledge performance dimensions which form the MAKE framework and are the visible drivers of value creation"


  • öffentliches Executive Summary; Report nur für Mitglieder/kostenpflichtig;
  • Preisverleihung auf Länderebene und für Asien auf größeren Veranstaltungen

Die Auszeichnung

Als Gewinner (MAKE winner) des "Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award" werden diejenigen wissensintensiven Organisationen bezeichnet (die Anzahl variiert), welche die Nominierungs- und Finalistenphase überstanden haben. Die Nominierten (MAKE nominees), Finalisten (MAKE finalists) sowie die Platzierungen der Gewinner werden im "Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Report" veröffentlicht.

Ausgezeichnet wird auch in den Leistungsdimensionen der Studie - den "Eight Knowledge Performance Dimensions". (s. Der Studienverlauf) Basierend auf der Analyse dieser globalen, regionalen und nationalen Studien, werden weiterhin die "Knowledge-Intensive Sector Leaders" in über 20 wissensintensiven Wirtschaftssektoren ermittelt.

Auf nationaler Ebene werden die Gewinner meistens im Rahmen einer Zeremonie geehrt. (z.B. Iran, Hong Kong & China (inkl. Asia), Brasilien)


(nicht aufgeführt: Erstplatzierte in den "Eight Knowledge Performance Dimensions" und Wirtschaftssektoren)


  • '98: Lucent Technologies (USA); '99: Microsoft (USA); '00: Buckman Laboratories (USA); '01: General Electric (USA); '02: Buckman Laboratories (USA); '03: Buckman Laboratories (USA); '04: IBM (United States); '05: Toyota (Japan); '06: Toyota (Japan); '07: McKinsey & Company (Global); '08: McKinsey & Company (Global); '09: Apple (USA); '10: Google (USA); '11: Apple (USA); '12: Apple (USA); '13: Samsung Group (S. Korea); '14: Google (USA); '15: Google (USA); '16: Alphabet (formerly Google); '17: Alphabet (formerly Google)

Global IOU

  • '10: Samsung SDS (S. Korea); '11: Larsen & Toubro Hydrocarbon IC (India); '12: Singapore Armed Forces (Singapore); '13: Singapore Armed Forces (Singapore); '14: Singapore Armed Forces (Singapore); '15: Tata Consultancy Services (Tata Group) India; '16: Tata Consultancy Services (Tata Group) India; '17: Google (Alphabet) (USA)


  • '02: Toyota (Japan); '03: Toyota (Japan); '04: Toyota (Japan); '05: Toyota (Japan); '06: Toyota (Japan); '07: Samsung SDS (S. Korea); '08: Tata Steel (India); '09: Samsung SDS (S. Korea); '10: Singapore Armed Forces (Singapore); '11: POSCO (S. Korea); '12: Samsung SDS (S. Korea); '13: Toyota (Japan); '14: Singapore Armed Forces (Singapore); '15: Singapore Armed Forces (Singapore); '16: Infosys (India); '17: Wipro Limited (India)

Amerika (bis '11: Nordamerika)

  • '02: ; '03: ; '04: Raytheon (USA); '05: Raytheon (USA); '06: Raytheon (USA); '07: Google (USA); '08: IDEO (USA); '09: Apple (USA); '10: Apple (USA); '11: Apple (USA); '12: Apple (USA); '13: Google (USA); '14: Google (USA); '15: Google (USA); '16: Google (USA); '17: Google (USA)


  • '99: Nokia (Finnland); '00: kein Award!; '01: British Petroleum (UK); '02: ; '03: Siemens (Deutschland); '04: Siemens (Deutschland); '05: SAP (Germany); '06: BMW (Germany) & UBS (Sitzerland); '07: Norsk Tipping (Norway); '08: SAP (Germany); '09: Nokia (Finnland); '10: Siemens (Deutschland); '11: Siemens (Deutschland); '12: Siemens (Deutschland); '13: Schlumberger (France/the Netherlands); '14: Schlumberger (France/the Netherlands/United States); '15: Siemens (Deutschland), '16: LEGO (Denmark); '17: Schlumberger (France/USA)


  • '09: Promon Engenharia; '10: ; '11: Primo Schincariol; '12: Primo Schincariol; '13: ; '14:

Hong Kong & China (Top-Gewinner)

  • '08: Langham Place Hotel (Mongkok, Hong Kong); '09: Cafe de Coral Holdings Limited, The Hong Kong Police Force (HKSAR Government), Langham Place Hotel (Mongkok, Hong Kong); '10: CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Efficiency Unit - 1823 Call Centre (HKSAR Government), Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd; '11: Arup, Ernst & Young Hong Kong, MTR Corporation Limited; '12: Arup, Hong Kong Productivity Council, MTR Corporation Limited; '13: Arup, Hong Kong Police Force, The Hong Kong China and Gas Co. Ltd.; '14: Arup, CCC Heep Woh College, Hong Kong Red Cross; '15: Architectural Services Department (HKSARG), CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Ernst & Young Hong Kong ; '16: Arup & Hong Kong Police Force: '17: Correctional Services Department


  • '05: Infosys Technologies; '06: Tata Steel; '07: MindTree Consulting; '08: Satyam Computer Services; '09: Infosys Technologies; '10: MindTree; '11: ; '12: Tata Consultancy Services; '13: Tata Consultancy Services; '14: Tata Consultancy Services; '15: Wipro; '16: Infosys; '17: Wipro


  • '05: Unilever Indonesia; '06: Astra International; '07: Unilever Indonesia; '08: Astra International; '09: Unilever Indonesia; '10: Unilever Indonesia; '11: Toyota Astra Motor; '12: Tigaraksa Satria; '13: k.a.; '14: Pertamina (Oil & Gas); '15: k.a.; '16: k.a.

Iran ('12 & '13: Gewinner)

  • '11: ; '12: Loabiran Company, Mobarakeh Steel Company, Pasargad Bank; '13: Bandar Imam, Mobarakeh Steel Company, Pasargad Bank ; '14: Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel Company; '15: Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel Company; '16: Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel Company


  • '00: Sony '01: Toyota; '02: Toyota; '03: Toyota; '04: ; '05: Toyota; '06: Toyota; '07: ; '08: k.a.

Russland (Gewinner)

  • '14: Baltika Breweries, Block of Refining, Petrochemistry and Gas Processing of OAO LUKOIL, Corporate University of Russian Railways


  • Analyse...
  • Tabelle mit Nominierten, Finalisten, Gewinnern und Erstplatzierten aus dem deutschen Sprachraum (D-A-CH) 1998-2015
  • Tabelle ab 2016; Erstplatzierte: fett
Jahr Gewinner Finalisten Nominierte
Siemens (Germany) BASF (Germany), BMW (Germany), Festo (Germany), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany), Tetra Pak (Switzerland) BASF (Germany), BMW (Germany), Continental AG (Germany), Daimler (Germany), Festo (Germany), Novartis (Switzerland), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany), Tetra Pak (Switzerland)
Atos IT Solutions and Services (Atos) (Germany), BASF (Germany), Festo (Germany), Siemens (Germany) Atos IT Solutions (Atos) Germany, BASF (Germany), BMW (Germany), Festo (Germany), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany), Tetra Pak (Switzerland) Atos IT Solutions (Atos) Germany, BASF (Germany), BMW (Germany), Bosch (Germany), Continental AG (Germany), Daimler (Germany), Festo (Germany), Novartis (Switzerland), SAP (Germany), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), Syngenta (Switzerland), Tetra Pak (Switzerland)
X X Atos IT Solutions and Services (Atos) Germany
Siemens (Germany) Continental AG (Germany), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany) Continental AG (Germany), Festo (Germany), LafargeHolcim (Switzerland), Robert Bosch (Germany), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany)
Continental AG (Germany), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany) Atos IT Solutions (Atos) Germany, BASF (Germany), Continental AG (Germany), Festo (Germany), Novartis (Switzerland), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany) Atos IT Solutions (Atos) Germany, BASF (Germany), BMW (Germany), Continental AG (Germany), Daimler (Germany), Festo (Germany), LafargeHolcim (Switzerland), Novartis (Switzerland), Robert Bosch (Germany), SAP (Germany), Siemens (Germany), World Web Forum (Switzerland)

Zeremonien & Partner


Hong Kong, China & Asia







  • Straits Knowledge (Singapore): 2015, 2016 Global MAKE Nominee
  • APQC (USA): "We are also proud to have been inducted into the 2013 Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Hall of Fame. We have been recognized as a North American MAKE winner for an unprecedented ten times (2003, 2004, 2007-2013, 2015) and a global winner in 2008, 2011, and 2013." (Source: https://www.apqc.org/awards-and-recognition)
  • ...



  • Sonova Holding AG (bis 31. Juli 2007 Phonak Holding AG)
  • Alle drei Gewinner des 2014 einmalig vergebenen Russina MAKE Award sind 2015 unter den European MAKE Gewinnern
  • Bis jetzt kein nominiertes Unternehmen aus Österreich
  • Capital markets valuation and accounting performance of most admired knowledge enterprise (MAKE) award winners, http://escholarship.org/uc/item/1d92j04s#page-7
  • 2017 eingestellt (Roy Chase geht in Rente)
    • Quasi-Nachfolger: Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise Award (Orga.: Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre, Hong Kong Politechnic University, Presse: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ise/kmirc/research/mikeaward, Home: http://www.globalmikeaward.com/)
    • "An international working group headed by Associate Professor, Dr. John Dumay of Macquarie University (Australia) is being formed to continue and build upon the MAKE framework to be known as MIKE - Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise. News about the progress of MIKE will is forthcoming on the website of the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre." (http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ise/kmirc/)
  • Indonesien: 2017 DUNAMIS STUDY (IHCS & MAKE AWARD) http://www.dunamis.co.id/events/award/MAKE/2017

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Siehe auch

MAKL study

  • Most Admired Knowledge Leaders (MAKL) Studie und Auszeichnung von Teleos und dem Work Frontiers International

MAKCi Award

  • Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi) Studie und Award des World Capital Institute und Teleos


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  • UBS(2 K, 1 S)




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