Kategorie:Most Admired Knowledge Cities
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Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi) Studie und Award des World Capital Institute und Teleos
- Beratungsprozess "to identify and recognize those communities around the world who are successfully engaging in formal and systematic knowledge-based development processes under the flag of Knowledge Cities." (Quelle: World Capital Institute)
- MAKCi Framework is based on an assessment of a city’s Urban Capital Systems. The city′s capital base (both tangible and intangible) and its capacity recombine it in innovative ways. The major capital categories are: 1. Identity, 2. Intelligence, 3. Financial, 4. Relational, 5. Human Individual, 6. Human Collective, 7. Instrumental-material, and 8. Instrumental-knowledge capital
- 3-stage Delphi: nominations, finalists, winners; Global experts base and International Advisory Board
- Nominierungen: Bewerberantrag und -video (Video: seit 2011)
- Finalisten (delphi):
- Gewinner (delphi):
Award (Preis)
- Ein Gesamtpreis
- 1 Gewinner und zwei Platzierte
- Zwei Preiskategorien:
- Knowledge Metropolis: Over three million (3 M) inhabitants or more living in the urban community. A national capital or major international economic or cultural center, acting as an international hub for political, economic or cultural activities.
(was: These cities were classified for MAKCi purposes as largest to medium urban conglomerates often acting as international hubs for political, economic or cultural activities. They usually constitute a national capital, or a major international economic or cultural centre, and gather over 3 million (was: 3.5 million) inhabitants (if nominated, these cities would be amongst the first one hundred cities in the world)) - Knowledge City-Region: From about half a million (0.5 M) inhabitants to less than three million (3 M) living in the urban community. A regional capital or an economic or cultural hub, acting as a regional epicenter for political, economic or cultural activities.
(was: These were classified for MAKCi purposes as medium-size cities or towns acting as regional centres for political, economic or cultural activities. They usually constitute a regional political, economic or cultural centre and gather between half a million inhabitants and less than three million
(was: three and a half) inhabitants (if nominated, these cities would be amongst the first nine hundred cities in the world).)
- Knowledge Metropolis: Over three million (3 M) inhabitants or more living in the urban community. A national capital or major international economic or cultural center, acting as an international hub for political, economic or cultural activities.
- Jeweils ein Kategoriegewinner & ein bis zwei -platzierte
- Drei Preiskategorien: Knowledge Metropolis, Knowledge City-Region, Emerging Knowledge City
- Emerging Knowledge City: From about half a million (0.5 M) inhabitants to less than three million (3 M) living in the urban community. A regional capital or an economic or cultural hub, acting as a regional epicenter for political, economic or cultural activities. (was: the best performing emerging knowledge cities regardless of the population size)
Seit 2019
- Vier Preiskategorien: Knowledge Metropolis, Knowledge City-Region, Emerging Knowledge City, Clustered City-Region
- Clustered City-Region: From about half a million (0.5 M) inhabitants to less than three million (3 M) inhabitants living in the urban community. A regional capital or key economic or cultural center, that is geographically scattered (Group of Islands or Peninsulas) but has the capital to act as a regional center for political, economic or cultural activities.
Preisverleihung auf dem Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS)
- 1. Singapur, 2. Boston (USA), 3. Barcelona (Spanien)
- 1. Singapur, 2. Bangalore (Indien), 3. Manchester (GB) und Montreal (Kanada)
- Metropolis: 1. Barcelona (Spanien), 2. Boston (USA)
- Region: 1. Manchester (GB), 2. Valencia (Spanien)
- Metropolis: 1. Melbourne (Australien), 2. Singapur
- Region: 1. Ottawa (Kanada), 2. Manchester (GB)
- Metropolis: 1. Singapur, 2. Melbourne (Australien)
- Region: 1. Holon (Israel), 2. Austin (USA)
- Metropolis: 1. Singapur, 2. Montreal (Kanada)
- Region: 1. Austin (USA), 2. Ottawa (Kanada)
- Metropolis: 1. Melbourne (Australien), 2. Hong Kong (China)
- Region: 1. Kopenhagen (Dänemark), 2. Boston (USA)
- Metropolis: 1. Seoul (Südkorea), 2. Hong Kong (China)
- Region: 1. Ottawa (Kanada), 2. Dublin (Irland)
- Metropolis: 1. Montreal (Kanada), 2. ---
- Region: 1. Wien (Österrreich), 2. Kopenhagen (Dänemark) und Curitiba (Brasilien)
- Metropolis: 1. Melbourne (Australien), Platzierungen (Excellence Award): Tokio (Japan), Seoul (Südkorea)
- Region: 1. Dublin (Irland), Platzierungen (Excellence Award): Vancouver (Kanada)
- Metropolis: 1. Barcelona (Spanien) und Boston (USA)
- Region: 1. Austin (USA)
- Emerging: 1. Arequipa (Peru)
- Metropolis: 1. Singapur
- Region: 1. Vancouver (Kanada)
- Emerging: 1. Kanarische Inseln (Spanien), 2.(?) Newcastle (GB)
- Metropolis: Barcelona (Spanien)
- Region: Vancouver (Kanada)
- Emerging: Bento Gonçalves (Brasilien)
- Cluster: Puerto Rico (USA)
- Ausgesetzt (Stand: 4/24)
- Nominierte: Wien, München (2007); Nürnberg, Zürich (2008); Nürnberg (2009); Dresden, Nürnberg, Zürich (2010-2012); Dresden, Nürnberg (2013); Dresden (2014); Wien, Zürich (2015); Dresden, Nürnberg, Wien, Zürich (2016); Dresden, Nürnberg, Wien, Zürich (2017); Dresden, Nürnberg, Wien, Zürich (2018); Wien (2019)
- Finalisten: X (2007-2009), Zürich (2010); Nürnberg (2011); X (2012); ? (2013); ? (2014); Wien, ? (2015); ? (2016); ? (2017); ? (2018); ? (2019)
- Gewinner: X (2007-13); ? (2014); Wien (2015); X (2016); X (2017); X (2018); X (2019)
- Kommerzialisierung ("consulting process")
- Fehlende Transparenz/Würdigung der Finalisten und Gewinner
- Seit 2013: keine Reports bzw. Report Summaries mehr
- Seit 2010: keine Pressemitteilungen mehr
- Seit 2019: alle Reports, Summaries, Pressemitteilungen nicht mehr verfügbar
- Keine Infos zu Finalisten/Gewinnern über die KCWS Seiten, nach der Veranstaltung
- Kriterien? Emerging Knowledge City, Clustered City-Region
- Kanaren: 2018: Gewinner "Emerging Knowledge City"; 2019: Nominiert als "Clustered City-Region"
- https://worldcapitalinstitute.org/makci/
- https://makci.org
- http://www.worldcapitalinstitute.org/makci/makci-awards-most-admired-knowledge-city
- http://www.worldcapitalinstitute.org/makciplatform
- http://globalkbdweek.mty.itesm.mx/organizers.html
- http://www.knowledgecities.com/
- http://www.worldcapitalinstitute.org/makci/press
- http://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20151027_OTS0044/wien-gewinnt-internationalen-wissensstadt-award-bild
- http://www.km-a.net/innovation/makci-award-2015/
- http://www.jaegerwm.de/siemens-wien-most-admired-knowledge-organisation-stadt-2015/
- 2016: https://seoulsolution.kr/ko/content/소식국제수상-서울시-세계사회적자본연구소wci주관-2016년-대도시-부문-우수지식도시makci-우수상-수상
- 2018: https://www.ull.es/portal/noticias/2018/canarias-recibe-premio-internacional-makci-region-conocimiento-emergente/, https://humboldt-cosmos-multiversity.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/ISLAND-CONNECTIONS-MAKCi.pdf
- 2019: https://www.worldcapitalinstitute.org/2019-nominees-makci-awards/, http://kcws2019.com.br/primeiro-dia-de-kcws-debate-uso-do-conhecimento-para-tornar-cidades-mais-inteligentes/
- Knowledge city benchmarking and the MAKCi experience, https://books.google.de/books?id=Uh5QEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA133&lpg=PA133&dq=City+Preparedness+for+the+Climate+Crisis+KCWS
- Knowledge City Benchmarks, https://d-nb.info/1128293021/34#page=108
- Place Making for Knowledge Cities, https://books.google.com/books?id=1guCDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA105&lpg=PA105
- Reports, http://www.worldcapitalinstitute.org/makci/history
- (Book) Knowledge and the city: Concepts, applications and trends of knowledgebased urban development, https://books.google.com/books?id=jm0tBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT181&lpg=PT181
- Global KBD community developments: the MAKCi experience, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13673270810902966
- Making MAKCi: An emerging knowledge‐generative network of practice in the Web 2.0, http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/03055721011024919
- The MAKCi index: using logistic regression modelling for predicting most admired knowledge cities, http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJKBD.2012.045571
- MAKCi: a knowledge-based development metrics experience, http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJKBD.2012.050093
- Cities-benchmarking algorithm: a meta-ranking exercise, http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2012.047036
- Measuring: knowledge-based development metrics, evolution and perspectives, https://books.google.de/books?id=-gxEcB_2XqoC&pg=PA309&lpg=PA309
- The Evolution of Knowledge Cities https://books.google.de/books?id=1guCDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA111&lpg=PA111
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