(Neue Kategorie anlegen)
Innovationspreis IT, Kategorie Wissensmanagement
- Seit 2004 durch Initiative Mittelstand des Huber Verlag für Neue Medien GmbH vergeben
- https://www.imittelstand.de/innovationspreis-it/
Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards
- The KM and IC Excellence awards aims to showcase good examples of high quality KM and IC in practice. These examples will be considered through case histories and we welcome contributions from academics, business professionals and students. Examples of the use of KM and/or IC within a university are also welcome.
- seit 2015 vergeben durch Academic Conferences and Publishing International bei der European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/eckm/eckm-excellence-awards/
- veröffentlicht als Buch, http://www.academic-bookshop.com/ourshop/cat_1029752-Excellence-Awards.html
KM LatinAmerican Awards
- Vergeben durch Belly Knowledge Management International
- http://www.bellykm.com/km-trainning/eventos-km/km-awards.html
- The KM Awards is the award for the best Knowledge Management project that is selected among all KM projects presented in the Certified Knowledge Management Officer program
KM Russia Award (Best KM Case Award)
- einmalig vergeben bei KM Russia Kongerss 2012 durch SOMAR
- Nachfolger: MAKE Award (2013-14), KRO Award (2015-16)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20121112004555/http://kmrussia2012.tci-congress.ru:80/program.html
USU Knowledge Award
- Preis für den intelligenten und erfolgreichen Einsatz von Wissensmanagement-Technologien (2015: Knowledge-Award für das beste Kundenprojekt mit der Wissensdatenbank USU KnowledgeCenter)
- vergeben durch USU AG, http://www.usu.de/, bei der USU World, https://www.usu-world.com/de/)
- seit: 2015
- Gewinner:
- 2018 https://www.pressebox.de/pressemitteilung/usu-software-ag/ARBURG-erhaelt-Knowledge-Award-fuer-die-professionelle-Nutzung-AKTIVER-Technologien/boxid/910641 (Video-Interview: https://www.usu.de/de/news/arburg-erhaelt-knowledge-award/)
- 2017 https://www.usu.de/de/news/inter-versicherungsgruppe-erhaelt-usu-knowledge-award/
- 2016 https://www.unymira.com/de/news/der-zweite-knowledge-award-geht-an-die-madsack-mediengruppe/
- 2015 http://www.dgap.de/dgap/News/corporate/unitymedia-erhaelt-usuknowledgeaward-fuer-die-professionelle-nutzung-aktiver-technologien/?newsID=883765
Korea Knowledge Management Award (seit 2012 Knowledge Innovation Award)
- http://kma.mk.co.kr, http://www.wkforum.org/KMA/
- seit 1999 bei World Knowledge Forum vergeben
Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award
- Presse: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ise/kmirc/research/mikeaward
- Global, http://www.globalmikeaward.com/
- Hong Kong, http://www.hkmikeaward.com/ (Orga: Hong Knong PolyU, KMIRC; Co-Orga: Arup University)
- Assessment, http://hkmikeaward.com/ac.php
- Orga.: Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre, Hong Kong Politechnic University
- Quasi-Nachfolger der MAKE Awards, seit 2018
Knowledge Ready Organizations Award
- http://www.ikms.org/KRO-awards, http://kmrussia.ru/kro.html, https://web.archive.org/web/20170301134952/http://www.ikms.org/kro/SitePages/Default.aspx
- Erfinder: Arthur Shelley
- KRO in Singapore (durch KM Society Singapore, verliehen bei KM Singapore Conference; löst dort iKMS KM Excellence Award ab)
- KRO in Russland (durch KM-Alliance, verliehen bei KM Russia; löst dort MAKE Award ab)
iKMS Knowledge Management Excellence Awards (2008-2012, nicht 2011)
- Vergeben von Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS), Singapore
- Zeremonie: KM Singapore Conference
- Abgelöst von Knowledge Ready Organizations Award
- Home: https://web.archive.org/web/20130925143355/http://ikms.org/awards.html
- 2008: http://www.greenchameleon.com/uploads/KM_Excellence_Awards_2008_Press_Kit_v2.pdf
- 2009: http://www.greenchameleon.com/uploads/KM_Excellence_Awards_2009_Full_Briefing_Pack_Final.doc
Iran National Award for Knowledge Management
- http://www.kmawardiran.com
- vergeben bei KM Iran, http://www.kmiran.com/en/
(AusKM) actKM Knowledge (Recognition) Awards
- AusKM Recognition Awarrds, http://www.auskm.org/awards.html
- seit 2015; Nachfolger der eingestellten actKM Awards (AusKM tritt an die Stelle von actKM, welches aufgelöst wird)
- Preisträger: Keine!?
- For 2018, we are partnering to present the Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise awards
- actkm Knowledge (Management in Government) Awards, http://www.actkm.org/actkm_awards.php
- 2003-2014 (nicht '06, '09, '13)
- Preisträger: ...
Global Knowledge Management Congress & Awards
KMWorld Awards
Legal Week Innovation Awards: Knowledge Management Innovation Award
- https://www.cilip.org.uk/members/group_content_view.asp?group=200663&id=679016
- K&IM Information Resources Awards; K&IM Walford Award
- https://www.cilip.org.uk/members/group_content_view.asp?group=200663&id=692208
- K&IM Walford Award; K&IM Information Resources Awards; K&IM and UKeIG Information Manager of the Year; K&IM Knowledge and Information Award
Knowledge Management for Development (KM4D) Award
- Global, Iran
- https://www.knowledge.city/, https://k4dp.org, http://www.km-a.net
(Best Paper) Awards bei Konferenzen
- KM and IC Excellence Awards bei ECKM (zus. m. IAKM), https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/eckm/eckm-excellence-awards/
- http://iiakm.org/conference/
- ...
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