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International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management Awards, http://iiakm.org/awards/

  • Kategorien: Fellow & Distinguished Scholar; Excellence in Leadership Award; Lifetime Academic Achievement Award; Excellence in Research & Scholarship Award; Best Paper Awards
  • Orga: International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management; Zeremonie: IIAKM KM Conference

KMC Award of Excellence

Golden Globe Tigers Awards

HDI Awards

e-Gov Knowledge Management Award

Army Knowledge Management Awards Program (AKMA)

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Annual Knowledge Award

TSIA Star Awards

ILTA Knowledge Management Professional of the Year Award

APQC Award for Excellence in Knowledge Management

Henley Forum 2020 Awards

Customer Relationship Excellence Awards > Category (Corporate and Service Providers): Best Use of Knowledge Management of the Year

Best Use of Knowledge Management of the Year

livepro Knowledge Management Awards

KMUK awards

Knowledge Management Promise and Reality Award

KMWorld 100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management

Asian Knowledge Leaders Award & Asia Knowledge Management Award

Wettbewerb "Beste Abschlussarbeit zum Thema Wissensbilanzierung"

Innovationspreis IT, Kategorie Wissensmanagement

Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

KM LatinAmerican Awards

KM Russia Award (Best KM Case Award)

USU Knowledge Award

Korea Knowledge Management Award (seit 2012 Knowledge Innovation Award)

Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award

Iran National Award for Knowledge Management

(AusKM) actKM Knowledge (Recognition) Awards

  • AusKM Recognition Awarrds, http://www.auskm.org/awards.html
    • seit 2015; Nachfolger der eingestellten actKM Awards (AusKM tritt an die Stelle von actKM, welches aufgelöst wird)
    • Preisträger: Keine!?
    • For 2018, we are partnering to present the Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise awards
  • actkm Knowledge (Management in Government) Awards, http://www.actkm.org/actkm_awards.php
    • 2003-2014 (nicht '06, '09, '13)
    • Preisträger: ...

Global Knowledge Management Congress & Awards

Legal Week Innovation Awards (bis 2015: Legal Innovation Awards)

Knowledge Management Innovation Award

CILIP K&IM Awards (ehem. ISG Reference Awards)

Knowledge Management for Development (KM4D) Award

"Chinese Knowledge Management Persons" Award

United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA)

Wettbewerb „Die 10 WWW“ = wirksamsten und praxiserprobten Werkzeuge wissensorientierter Unternehmensführung

(Best Paper) Awards bei Konferenzen

Medien in der Kategorie „Wissensmanagement-Auszeichnungen“

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